How to Create Hover Effect in Adobe XD in less than 5 minutes 💜

According to me, the best way of learning new technologies is to get hands-on experience, and here in this article, you will be learning about how to create Hove Effect in Adobe XD in less than 5 minutes!
If you’re new to the design domain, my previous articles are highly recommended. 🤗
What is Adobe XD?
Adobe XD is a graphics editing tool that works to create web pages and application interfaces. If you are a web designer or app designer, know what Adobe XD is, you will love it as it will make your life easier in terms of design work.
Adobe XD is a powerful, collaborative, easy-to-use platform that helps you and your team create designs for websites, mobile apps, voice interfaces, games, and more. — Adobe
Why Adobe XD?
Adobe XD simplifies the life and work of the designers. 👀
- Allow prototyping
- Auto-Animate
- voice triggers and speech functionality
- Amazing plugins support
- Component States — with Hover State
In simple words, Although it is a design tool, it has also stood out for its capabilities to create digital interfaces. Adobe XD is definitely what you need to create your new website.
To know more about Adobe XD visit here.
Getting Started 💃
Creating Hover Interaction
In this guide, We will create a toggle button that triggers when we hover over it.
Step 1: Create your button
Use your known Adobe XD skills and create a small button and give it some good color, text, or use your own design skills to make it look amazing because even inanimate objects need some personality.

Step 2: Create Button for the Hover state
Now, Its time to modify the Toggle button to create a visual of what it will look in hover mode.
Change your colors, text, opacity, and any characteristics you want to modify. It’s all about creating visual of how your component will look into Hover mode.
Now we are going to utilize the Adobe XD component hover feature to create this effect.

Moving on!
- Drag the hover state button on the top of the default state button.
- Press ctrl+shift+[ key to send it all away to the back.
- Now, Double click to the rectangle for object mask, copy it, and paste it on the rectangle. after that select both of the buttons and hit Ctrl+shift+M to mask the shape.
Step 3: Starting with the component

- Hit the + component section of the Property inspector to create a new component
- After that again press the + button to add the hover state.

So now we have a component with two states — Default and Hover.

Each state of a component will have its visual and characteristics, which can transition from one state to another based on the interactions defined.
Default State has its visuals and characteristics. Hover State will have its own and so does other states of the same component. That’s what we did in the starting.

Now that you have modified your component in the hover state. Set this back to the Default state to see if your visual in default state is still the same or not.
Step 4: Setting up the prototype

As you can see, The trigger for this interaction is Hover.
You can modify this trigger to add your custom triggers such as Tap, Drag, Time, etc. This way you can create state transitions as per your requirement.
In the destination part of the section, it is saying Hover state. It means, that on encountering our Trigger, Component will travel to the Hover State.
You can modify the Action, currently Auto-animate, as per your requirement. It includes transition methods such as Dissolve, Slide Left, Slide Right, etc. The same goes for Easing, Duration, and Scrolling Position.

And that’s it! 🥳️
Congratulations, you have created the Toggle button using hover effect in Adobe XD. 💖
I hope this article helped you :) In case of any doubts, feel free to send me an text.
In case you want to reach out, here’s where you can find me :)
Thank you! Stay safe! 😊